School Policies
The Principal, Staff and Board of Governors of StRonan's Recarson Primary School determine school policies in accordance with the guidance provided by the Department of Education, CCMS, the EA (Western Region) and, where appropriate, through consultation with parents.
The school has a wide range of policies and procedures followed by all members of staff to ensure the progress, safety and well-being of all our pupils. Copies of policies are made available to parents routinely and on request. For example, at the start of each school year, parents are issued with a copy of the 'Pastoral Care Booklet'. Parents also receive copies of any revised policies and procedures as necessary.
St Ronan's Recarson PS policies include:
- Teaching and Learning Policy
- Pastoral Care Policy (including Anti-Bullying, Behaviour and Discipline policy information)
- Special Educational Needs Policy
- Child Protection Policy (including Staff Code of Conduct, Intimate Care, Use of Images and Vetting policy information)
- Internet Safety and E-Safety Policy
- Handling Complaints Policy
- Smoking Policy
- A wide range of curricular policies
- A range of policies for staff
If you require a copy of any Policy, simply contact the school.
Learning Together
Our School Uniform

St Ronan's Primary School, Recarson, Arvalee Rd, Omagh, County Tyrone BT79 0NE Phone: 028 8224 5628