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St Ronan's Primary School, Recarson
Christmas play Friday 13th December at 10am
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Parental Concerns


Parents are always welcome to discuss their child's progress or any other issue of concern they may have in relation to their child. To accommodate this, and to ensure parents receive an adequate period of uninterrupted time, parents are asked to contact the school to make an appointment to meet the child's Teacher and/or Principal.


Health Issues and Special Needs

It is very important for parents to inform the school of any health issues or special needs that your child may have, at the time of enrolment. Such needs could be academic, social, emotional, medical or dietary. If any such needs become apparent during your child's school career, again please let the school know as soon as possible in writing.

Parent and Emergency Contact Information

It is very important for parents to inform us of any change to their personal contact details, such as new mobile numbers etc. There are occasions when school needs to contact home, such as when a child feels unwell, therefore it is vitally important that the school has up-to-date contact details for parents/guardians, as well as a contact number in case of Emergency.

St. Ronan's Recarson Parent Support Group

Parents are welcome to join the Parent Support Group at any time. The purpose of this group is to support school functions when requested and to collaboratively organise and run fundraising and/or social events. The serving Parent Support Group comprises:

Mrs Laura Lynn (Chairperson)  

Mr Ethan Loughrey (Treasurer)

Mrs Nuala Teague (Secretary)       

Mr Conor McCrystall (Principal)

Committee Members


Open Door Policy at Recarson PS should you wish to make a complaint